Confirm Dialog

A confirm dialog is often used if you want the user to verify or accept something. When a confirm dialog pops up, the user will have to click either "OK" or "Cancel" to proceed.
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All of AlertifyJS animation/transition effects are disabled due to user preference that the system minimizes the amount of animation or motion it uses. See prefers-reduced-motion CSS media feature.

transition {String}

Description: Gets or sets the transition effect to be used when showing/hiding the dialog

Default: alertify.defaults.transition:pulse

 alertify.dialog('confirm').set({transition:'pulse',message: 'Transition effect: pulse'}).show(); 


You can use the .setting() method to set multiple values at once, Also works as a getter. Or use .get() and .set() aliases.

//get the closable setting value.
var closable = alertify.alert().setting('closable');
//grab the dialog instance using its parameter-less constructor then set multiple settings at once.
    'message': 'This dialog is : ' + (closable ? ' ' : ' not ') + 'closable.' ,
    'onok': function(){ alertify.success('Great');}